Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I believe

1. Answer and talking the phone politely
I believe this because if someone that calls you that you love like a relative and if you answer the phone like “What do you want” and they are trying to say something and you disrupt them. I know that feeling because one day I was in a really bad mood and my grandparents called from Kentucky to tell me they were coming to visit us and I said “Yah and I care why” when I said that she started to cry and she just hung up. So I learned to be polite when you are answering and talking on the phone.

2. be polite to gusts that are over
I believe this because last year my grandma came in from Ohio to see my family and we had to pick her up at the airport. So my dad asked me to go get her bags for her and carry them, then we got to our house and she asked me to get her a drink and I said no I’m good but a couple minutes after I said I will. That’s what I have learned don’t be mean to your guests.
3. be respectful to others
I believe this because it is very nice to respect people because then they will be respectful back to you. And if it’s to other kids then you can make new friends that way, and not lose them by not being nice or respectful to them.
4. be polite to your parent
It is nice to be nice to your parents because when I’m not nice to them I get grounded or get something away. Like yesterday I punched me sister in the face so O got my cell phone taking away and I can only bring it to school and have to give it to my dad when I get home.(SO NO TEXTING FOR ME:(.
5. Don’t disrespect your teachers
If you disrespect your teachers them they won’t be nice to you back or they will just ignore you. And they could give you a detention for disrupting their teaching time and their class.
6. Respect your elders
It is very polite to be nice to your elders because when I go see my grandma I always help her do chores and take care of my baby cousins. And we always hang out just me and her; it feels great to have a girl’s day out.
7. Listen to your teachers/parents
If your parents or teachers tell you to do something you should do it because when you do your parents would give you a reward and your teachers would be very happy and feel good when they go home.
8. be honest
Being honest is a good thing because when you are honest to anyone they will feel good inside and be very happy. And they will always be able to trust you all the time.

9. Answer the door politely
If you don’t answer the door politely the no one will think you are not nice to anyone. But it is good to be polite to everyone and not being polite.
10. Don’t lie
Lying is a bad thing because when I was little I put water in a pencil sharpener and blamed it on my sister even thoe my mom and dad were standing right next to me. For some reason when I lie I cry and I don’t know why I do that but I just do.